About Alberta 1 Auto Loans
Auto Dealer and Auto Loan Experts
– Quality used Car / SUV / Truck dealer
– Over 10 years in the Auto Finance business
– Authorized financial specialists
– AMVIC licensed
– Online application and vehicle delivery
– Highly experienced vehicle and finance staff
About Us
With over 10 years in the Auto Finance business we’ve carefully built our relationships with our lenders so we can offer the most competitive rates. We do business with Bad Credit, No Credit, and yes Good Credit as well! We’ve made it easy for you to get a new car, no matter what your previous credit history. We work primarily in Western Canada so when you are ready to apply for a car loan online, Alberta 1 Auto Loans is the place to start search.
We’re authorized financial specialists and work closely with various financial institutions, all competing for your business. Our primary goal is to ensure our clients walk away with the best rate possible while focusing on transparency and answering all questions and concerns so you will be able to make an informed decision.
We’ve created user friendly resources for you to look through about auto finance options and details in our auto loans section.
Our Values
Alberta 1 Auto Loans is a Calgary’s solution for auto finance services. We pride ourselves on transparency, efficiency and our ever evolving pursuit of excellence in customer service.
We listen, and then listen again – striving to understand our customers first, and then for our customers to understand their options second. Customer care is imperative for our business and we treat every situation with an open mind and positive approach. We realize financing a car can sometimes feel confusing or overwhelming, and our experienced team will ensure you feel comfortable with your decision and take any doubt out of the equation. We will help you find a vehicle, get approved for financing and drive away in a seamless process while focusing on transparency, efficiency and customer service.
Full transparency
Excellence in customer service
We listen, and then listen again
Commitment to continuous improvement